Tips For Coping With A Puppy

Welcoming a puppy into your life can be one of the most enjoyable and exciting experiences you could wish for. Puppies naturally exude happiness, energy and unconditional love. While your new family member can bring immense joy, the first few months will likely be an exhausting period of sleepless nights, chewed-up carpets and relentless training efforts. Indeed, caring for a puppy is often likened to raising a baby; only, your furry friend never truly grows up. Although puppy parenthood can be tough, there are numerous ways to make it more manageable. Read on to find out more. 

Purchase A Crate

While it may seem cruel to lock your pup up, a suitably-sized, breed-appropriate crate acts as a safe enclosed environment for your dog to rest, sleep and stay out of trouble when you can’t supervise them. Crates are beneficial for various reasons. Firstly, crate training can help with toilet training, as dogs are naturally averse to soiling their sleeping area. Additionally, the enclosed environment of a crate also offers comfort and a sense of security for anxious or stressed puppies. Overall, crate training encourages responsible behaviour, ensuring the health and well-being of your furry companion.

Rotate Their Toys

Like human children, puppies love toys. Unfortunately, also like human children, puppies have short attention spans. Your puppy’s brain needs just as much of a daily workout as their body does. As such, rotating your pup’s toys will provide adequate mental stimulation, keeping them occupied and entertained between walks and playtime. This will help to prevent boredom, which may result in problematic behaviours like excessive barking and chewing. Moreover, it is also important to provide your puppy with a healthy variety of toys, such as teething chews, snuffle mats, and balls. 

Damage Limitation

As cute as they are, puppies are destructive forces, hellbent on digging, chewing and exploring their surroundings, and nothing is sacred. As a result, it is advisable to attempt some damage limitation. Keep valuables either locked away or out of your puppy’s reach. Many dog owners “puppy-proof” their properties before bringing their furry friends home - this may include covering exposed cables, installing baby gates, or removing potentially harmful houseplants. These measures will help protect your puppy while preventing potentially expensive repairs and replacements. 

Stick To A Bedtime Routine

Dogs thrive on routine in a similar way to humans - routines make them feel safe and secure. Lack of routine may exacerbate anxiety-induced problem behaviours, such as excessive barking and restlessness. Establishing healthy, consistent bedtime for your puppy can be tricky, but sleep is just as crucial as mental and physical stimulation during the day. Help your pup wind down at night with gentle playtime, physical affection and taking them outside to do their business. 

Begin Training ASAP

Training is an integral part of dog ownership, helping to keep your pup safe, happy, and mentally stimulated. Obedience training - teaching your puppy commands, like sit, stay and heel - enhances their responsiveness, giving you better control over their behaviour in public settings. Starting early is crucial - while you absolutely can teach an old dog new tricks, it is much easier to train a puppy than it is to retrain an adult dog. Consider purchasing a dog training clicker or whistle to make the process much easier for the both of you. 

Be Consistent

The process of training your puppy can be laborious, repetitive and exhausting. However, it is crucial to remain consistent in your efforts. Each puppy has their own unique temperament and learning pace, and while progress may seem slow, it is essential to stay committed. Despite the sleepless nights, chewed furniture, and toileting accidents, by persisting with positive, reward-based training methods, you will eventually begin to see results. Remember, a lack of consistency may give your puppy mixed messages, potentially causing them to regress. 

Consider Puppy Classes

Socialisation is another essential component of dog ownership. Not only will spending time with other dogs keep your puppy happy and mentally stimulated, but it can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, enabling them to interact with the world safely and confidently. By attending a puppy training or obedience class, you can receive input from experienced professionals, meet fellow dog owners and allow your puppy to make friends of their own - what more could you want? 

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